




③ 「Alt + F8」を押して表示される以下の画面で「マクロ名」を「SearchGoods_InputInventoryQuantity」として「作成」を押す

④ Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications」にて以下のコードを記載

Public enterFlg As Boolean

Sub SearchGoods_InputInventoryQuantity()


Dim searchValueRow As Integer: searchValueRow = 1 '★

Dim searchValueCol As Integer: searchValueCol = 2 '★


Dim searchTargetCol As Integer: searchTargetCol = 2 '★


Dim searchValue As String: searchValue = Cells(searchValueRow, searchValueCol).Value


Dim inventoryQuantityRow As Integer: inventoryQuantityRow = 2 '★

Dim inventoryQuantityCol As Integer: inventoryQuantityCol = 2 '★


Dim copyQuantityTargetCol As Integer: copyQuantityTargetCol = 8 '★


Dim codeNotEnteredMessage As String: codeNotEnteredMessage = "商品コードを入力してください" '★


Dim duplicateMessage As String: duplicateMessage = "既に入力があります" '★


Dim startRow As Integer: startRow = 5 '★


Dim lastRow As Integer: lastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Row + ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 1


Dim activeRow As Integer: activeRow = ActiveCell.Row

Dim activeCol As Integer: activeCol = ActiveCell.Column


If activeRow = searchValueRow And activeCol = searchValueCol Then

For i = startRow To lastRow Step 1

If Cells(i, searchTargetCol).Value <> searchValue And searchValue <> "" Then

Rows(i).Hidden = True


Rows(i).Hidden = False

End If


Cells(activeRow + 1, activeCol).Select


ElseIf activeRow = inventoryQuantityRow And activeCol = inventoryQuantityCol And enterFlg = False And Cells(inventoryQuantityRow, inventoryQuantityCol) <> "" Then

If Cells(searchValueRow, searchValueCol).Value = "" Then

MsgBox codeNotEnteredMessage

Cells(searchValueRow, searchValueCol).Select

Exit Sub

End If

For i = startRow To lastRow Step 1

If Cells(i, copyQuantityTargetCol).Value = "" And Rows(i).Hidden = False Then

Cells(i, copyQuantityTargetCol).Value = Cells(inventoryQuantityRow, inventoryQuantityCol)

ElseIf Cells(i, copyQuantityTargetCol).Value <> "" And Rows(i).Hidden = False Then

MsgBox duplicateMessage

Exit Sub

End If


enterFlg = True


ElseIf activeRow = inventoryQuantityRow And activeCol = inventoryQuantityCol Then

For i = startRow To lastRow Step 1

Rows(i).Hidden = False


Cells(inventoryQuantityRow, inventoryQuantityCol) = ""

Cells(searchValueRow, searchValueCol).Select

enterFlg = False


Cells(activeRow + 1, activeCol).Select

Exit Sub

End If

End Sub

Sub Auto_Open()


Worksheets("実地棚卸").OnSheetActivate = "AutoActivateSheet_Name"


Worksheets("実地棚卸").OnSheetDeactivate = "AutoDeactivateSheet_Name"

End Sub

Sub AutoActivateSheet_Name()


Application.OnKey "~", "SearchGoods_InputInventoryQuantity"

Application.OnKey "{Enter}", "SearchGoods_InputInventoryQuantity"

End Sub

Sub AutoDeactivateSheet_Name()


Application.OnKey "{Enter}"


Application.OnKey "~"

End Sub