
「Alt → V → U」と順番にキーボードを押すと、↓のように全画面表示にすることができます。

※ ボタンの配置方法は「表を複数の条件で絞り込む②」を参照
④ 「Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications」にて以下のコードを記載
Sub CreateEmail() Dim oApp As Object Dim objMAIL As Object Dim messageList(1) As String Dim n As Long Dim fullName As String Dim firstName As String On Error Resume Next Set oApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application") On Error GoTo 0 If oApp Is Nothing Then Set oApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") oApp.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(6).display End If fullName = Application.UserName firstName = Mid(fullName, 1, InStr(fullName, " ") - 1) Set objMAIL = oApp.CreateItem(0) 'メールに載せるメッセージ本文' messageList(0) = "お疲れ様です。" &amp; firstName &amp; "です。" &amp; vbCrLf &amp; vbCrLf &amp; _ "共有ファイルNo." &amp; Cells(3, 3).Value &amp; "に追記を行いました。" &amp; vbCrLf &amp; _ "タイミングを見てご確認ください。" &amp; vbCrLf &amp; vbCrLf &amp; _ "<\ShareServer\メールを自動作成する.xlsm>" &amp; vbCrLf messageList(1) = vbCrLf &amp; " 以上、宜しくお願い致します。" Dim adress As String Dim i As Long For i = 1 To 50 adress = adress + ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("宛先").Cells(i + 1, 2).Value adress = adress + " ;" Next i objMAIL.To = adress '件名' objMAIL.Subject = "共有ファイルNo." &amp; Cells(3, 3).Value &amp; "を追加しました" objMAIL.BodyFormat = 2 'HTML形式 objMAIL.Body = messageList(0) &amp; messageList(1) objMAIL.display n = Len(messageList(0)) ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(Cells(3, 3) + 5, 2), Cells(Cells(3, 3) + 5, 5)).Copy oApp.ActiveInspector.WordEditor.Range(n, n).Paste Application.CutCopyMode = False Set objMAIL = Nothing Set oApp = Nothing End Sub
「Google Charts API」を利用して、URL等を一括でQRコードにするプログラムを作成します。
④Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications」にて以下のコードを記載
Sub CreateQrcode() '開始行 Dim firstRow As Long: firstRow = 3 '最終行の取得 Dim lastRow As Long: lastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 'firstRow~lastRowまで繰り返し(途中エラーが出た場合も止めずに最後まで処理) On Error Resume Next For i = firstRow To lastRow 'QRコード表示セルの高さなどを調整 With Cells(i, "B") .RowHeight = 65 .VerticalAlignment = xlTop '上詰め End With 'GoogleAPIでQRコードを作成 Set qr = ActiveSheet.Pictures _ .Insert("http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=qr&amp;amp;amp;amp;chs=80x80&amp;amp;amp;amp;chl=" _ + Cells(i, "A").Value) 'QRコードの表示位置を指定 With qr .Top = Cells(i, "B").Top + 2 .Left = Cells(i, "B").Left + 2 End With Next i On Error GoTo 0 End Sub
※ ボタンの配置方法は「表を複数の条件で絞り込む②」を参照
③ボタン配置時の以下の画面で「マクロ名」を「ConvertTable 」として「新規作成」を押す
④ 「Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications」にて以下のコードを記載
Sub ConvertTable() Dim result As String Dim startRow, startCol, endRow, endCol As Integer Dim selectArea As Range Set selectArea = Selection startRow = selectArea.Cells(1).Row startCol = selectArea.Cells(1).Column endRow = selectArea.Cells(selectArea.Count).Row endCol = selectArea.Cells(selectArea.Count).Column Dim widthDic As Object Set widthDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Dim maxWidth As Integer: maxWidth = 0 Dim cellVal As String Dim margin As Integer ' 各列毎の最大幅を配列で保持 For j = startCol To endCol Step 1 For i = startRow To endRow Step 1 cellVal = Cells(i, j).Value If IsNumeric(cellVal) And Cells(i, j).NumberFormatLocal = "#,##0" Then cellVal = Format(cellVal, "#,#") End If If maxWidth < LenB(StrConv(cellVal, vbFromUnicode)) Then maxWidth = LenB(StrConv(cellVal, vbFromUnicode)) End If Next widthDic.Add j, maxWidth maxWidth = 0 Next ' 表文字列の作成 For i = startRow To endRow Step 1 ' 線だけの行を書き込み For j = startCol To endCol Step 1 If i = startRow Then If j = startCol Then result = result & "┌" Else result = result & "┬" End If Else If j = startCol Then result = result & "├" Else result = result & "┼" End If End If result = result & String(Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp(widthDic.Item(j) / 2, 0), "─") If i = startRow And j = endCol Then result = result & "┐" ElseIf i <> startRow And j = endCol Then result = result & "┤" End If Next result = result & vbCrLf ' 値の行を書き込み For j = startCol To endCol Step 1 result = result & "│" cellVal = Cells(i, j).Value If IsNumeric(cellVal) And Cells(i, j).NumberFormatLocal = "#,##0" Then cellVal = Format(cellVal, "#,#") End If margin = widthDic.Item(j) - LenB(StrConv(cellVal, vbFromUnicode)) margin = margin + widthDic.Item(j) Mod 2 If IsNumeric(cellVal) Then result = result & Space(margin) result = result & cellVal Else result = result & cellVal result = result & Space(margin) End If If j = endCol Then result = result & "│" End If Next result = result & vbCrLf Next ' 最下部の線を書き込み For j = startCol To endCol Step 1 If j = startCol Then result = result & "└" Else result = result & "┴" End If result = result & String(Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp(widthDic.Item(j) / 2, 0), "─") If j = endCol Then result = result & "┘" End If Next '表文字列をクリップボードに格納する With New MSForms.DataObject .SetText result .PutInClipboard End With End Sub
⑤ 「C:\Windows\System32\FM20.DLL」を参照する
※ない場合は 「C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FM20.DLL」
※ ボタンの配置方法は「表を複数の条件で絞り込む②」を参照
⑤ボタン配置時の以下の画面で「マクロ名」を「 StartSeatSelection 」として「新規作成」を押す
⑥「Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications」にて以下のコードを記載
Sub StartSeatSelection() Dim noCol As Integer: noCol = 1 '★ Dim nameCol As Integer: nameCol = 2 '★ Dim heightCol As Integer: heightCol = 3 '★ Dim startRow As Integer: startRow = 2 '★ Dim lastRow As Integer: lastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Row + ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 1 Dim studentList As Dictionary Set studentList = New Dictionary Dim tempStudentList As Dictionary Set tempStudentList = New Dictionary '「生徒情報」シートの内容を1行ずつ読み込み、studentListに身長順で格納します。 For i = startRow To lastRow Step 1 Set tempStudentList = studentList Set studentList = New Dictionary Dim no As String no = Cells(i, noCol).Value Dim name As String name = Cells(i, nameCol).Value Dim height As String height = Cells(i, heightCol).Value If IsEmpty(no) Then MsgBox "生徒番号が空欄です。" End If If Not IsNumeric(no) Then MsgBox no &amp; ":生徒番号には数値を指定してください。" End If If IsEmpty(name) Then MsgBox "氏名が空欄です。" End If If IsEmpty(height) Then MsgBox "身長が空欄です。" End If If Not IsNumeric(height) Then MsgBox height &amp; ":身長には数値を指定してください。" End If If tempStudentList.Count &gt; 0 Then For Each tempStudent In tempStudentList.Items If (tempStudent(2) &gt; height Or (tempStudent(2) = height And tempStudent(0) &gt; no)) And Not studentList.Exists(no) Then studentList.Add no, Array(no, name, height) End If studentList.Add tempStudent(0), Array(tempStudent(0), tempStudent(1), tempStudent(2)) Next tempStudent End If If Not studentList.Exists(no) Then studentList.Add no, Array(no, name, height) End If Next 'studentListを基に、座席に名前をあてはめます。 Dim startSheetRow As Integer: startSheetRow = 4 '★ Dim lastSheetRow As Integer: lastSheetRow = 14 '★ Dim startSheetCol As Integer: startSheetCol = 2 '★ Dim lastSheetCol As Integer: lastSheetCol = 12 '★ Dim targetRow As Integer Dim targetCol As Integer Dim studentListCnt As Integer: studentListCnt = 0 '★ For targetRow = startSheetRow To lastSheetRow Step 2 For targetCol = startSheetCol To lastSheetCol Step 2 Worksheets("座席表").Cells(targetRow, targetCol).Value = studentList.Items(studentListCnt)(1) studentListCnt = studentListCnt + 1 Next targetCol Next targetRow End Sub